Christine is a certified Medical Massage Practitioner
Massage Therapy and medical massage are general terms that cover a wide range of techniques that have been found to have medical benefits and are used to achieve improvements in the individual’s well-being. While all types of massage are hands-on therapies and involve the manipulation of muscle and tissue, they achieve this in different ways:
Swedish massage – uses long gliding strokes and gentle kneading to release tension in the muscles and surrounding tissues.
Deep tissue massage and trigger point massage – a technique that uses gentle pressure on specific points of the body to release knots or blockages in the tissues that cover and join the muscles.
Within these medical massage techniques, therapists use different therapies to achieve improvements in the condition diagnosed by the doctor, including:
Muscle testing
Rehabilitative stretching procedures
Trigger point therapy
Myofascial release
Positional release
Neuromuscular therapy
Benefits of medical massage therapy
The specific benefit of medical massage therapy depends on the condition that is being treated. However, benefits of the therapy can include:
Releasing sore and tight muscles that can cause a lack of blood supply to soft tissues and hypersensitivity to touch; known as Ischemia
Relieving nerve entrapment and compression
Deactivating Myofascial trigger points
Decreasing pain and inflammation
Improving circulation and alleviating stress
Aiding digestion
Improving flexibility and range of motion
Calming the nervous system
Improving coordination and posture
Helping prevent future chronic pain conditions
Effectiveness of medical massage therapy
Medical massage has been shown to be highly effective at reducing cases of future chronic pain conditions by dealing effectively with the base cause of the problem. Current studies have shown that the vast majority of pain in chronic conditions, over 80%, comes from soft tissue injuries and over 74% is directly related to trigger points. As well as eliminating the base cause of the pain and helping the individual to live a less painful existence, medical massage therapy is very cost effective. Less time is spent away from work or having to deal with the side effects of pain reducing drugs.